Human life can be extended by 120 years with special protein, the life of rat increased by 23% in experiment - FreeNewsBulletin - Trending news, articles, stories.


Friday, June 4, 2021

Human life can be extended by 120 years with special protein, the life of rat increased by 23% in experiment


Human life can be extended by 120 years with special protein, the life of rat increased by 23% in experiment

If you want a long life, then the new research of Israeli scientists is going to make you happy. Scientists here have found a way by which the lifespan of a human can be increased to 120 years. Scientists from Bar-Ilan University, who did research, say that by increasing the amount of a protein named SIRT-1 in the human body, life can be prolonged.

Scientists did an experiment on rats, which was successful. During the research, the life of the rat increased by 23 percent. Scientists say, in the coming time this experiment will be done on humans and monkeys. It is expected that the life span of a person will increase to 120 years.

Researcher Haim Cohen says, this protein also works to protect against cancer. During the research, when we increased its quantity in the rat, its lifespan increased. This experiment was done on both male and female rats, but the age of male rats showed a greater increase. The lifespan of male rats increased by 30 percent and that of females by 15 percent.

According to Cohen, energy usually decreases with age in aging mice, but increasing this protein in their body resulted in an increase in energy. The changes observed in rats can be applied to humans as well. Hope it proves to be effective.

Researcher Haim Cohen is looking for drugs that can easily and safely increase the amount of SIRT-1 protein in the human body. Scientists are developing molecules that can help increase this protein.